In business since 1984.

Bernard Tremblay, founder, concrete pump operator by trade, created his company on November 22, 1984. Pompes Tremblay had humble beginnings, when the business was housed in the family home with its first pump in operation. After profitable success and a promising future, Bernard Tremblay built his first garage located at 2760 chemin du Lac in Longueuil, erecting a building with a modern look as the growing future of Pompes Tremblay.

The fast-growing company had to move its premises to the garage at 2640, on the same street, to carry out its mechanics and maintenance. Following Mr. Tremblay’s passing, his daughter Sophie, an accountant by profession at the time, took over the reins of the business to continue the family mission. As the business grew, Mrs. Tremblay built a 40 000-square-foot garage with twenty (20) garage doors on a 157 000-square-foot lot. Today, it’s the children, Sean and Méganne, who are preparing to take on the challenge Bernard Tremblay has left them. A beautiful heritage that they will have the chance to preserve and grow, always with the same values ​​that their grandfather had built.

Safety first

The safety of our workers is paramount, so they are frequently made aware of the various dangers that may be present on a construction site. In addition, our fleet is equipped with the latest monitoring modules for heavy equipment, including range limiters to ensure additional safety for our workers near electrical wires.

Environmentally friendly

We make sure we comply with all environmental standards applicable to our industry, whatever the circumstances. With this in mind, we provide you with specially designed bags for draining concrete and cleaning pumps. It will then be your responsibility to dispose of these bags at a waste sorting center.

Réservez un équipement

Contact au chantier

Adresse de livraison

Date & heure de livraison du béton

Type de pompe?

Avez-vous besoin d'une pompe à ligne?

Pompe à ligne

Avez-vous besoin d'une pompe à mât?

Pompe à mât




Fibre ?

Aide-opérateur ? (Obligatoire si plus de 150')

Fournisseur de béton

Description des lieux

Étage ?
Sous-sol ?
Ruelle ?

Type de travaux?

Déplacements nécessaire au chantier ?


Reserve equipment

Worksite contact

Delivery address

Concrete delivery date & time

Pump type?

Do you need a line pump?

Line pump

Do you need a boom pump?

Boom pump





Operator helper? (Mandatory if over 150')

Concrete supplier

Description of the premises


Type of work?

Pump displacement?
